Аметист Ametist - логистическая перевозка

For clients

We provide access to international markets to transport companies, manufacturers, exporters and importers.

Section in development

Vessel / Voyage Next port Current location ETB*
m/v ‘Yasar’ SB-YSR-019 Mersin Arrived at the port of Mersin awaiting mooring 12/02 agw wp
m/v ‘Colombo Trader’ NB-CTR-020 Novorossiysk Arrived at the port of Novorossiysk awaiting mooring 12/02 LPM agw wp
m/v ‘RMS MEL’ SB-MEL-003 Ashdod Presently cargo ops in progress at Ashdod TBA

*ETB - expected (estimated) time of berthing // AGW WP - All going well weather permitting

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